Do you believe in serendipitous encounters? I sure do!
With the libraries still closed due to Covid-19, lately, I’ve been wanting to buy Jackson new books to add to his library collection. We use to go to the library on a regular, at least once a month, and we would get new books to read along with the book collection he already has. So since March, we’ve been reading the same 10 checked out library books along with the existing book collection he owns, which is A LOT, but if you are familiar with our reading routine (3-4 books, 2 times a day, everyday), you’d see how quickly we’d read through them all, multiple times around.
Late last night while visiting my parents in the San Fernando Valley, I stumbled upon a post a friend shared on Facebook:
“Hi California friends!
Our friend’s son is working on his his Eagle scouts project and selling his books to fund his goals. Please consider buying some books.”
(With a shared link to Books for Hands Facebook page.)
Buying books to help fund a project goal caught my eye at first, but when I learned more about Matthew’s Eagle project, I was just so amazed and proud of this boy that I have never even met before.
“You can give hope to children with limb differences by buying books. Prosthetic limbs are very costly for families because children quickly outgrow their new limbs. For my Eagle Project, I will use my 3D printer to print hands for children. So that I can give these hands to families free of cost, I will be selling my childhood books, as well as some donated adult books and some magazines, so that your friends and family can enjoy these books just like I did.”
Books for Hands
Buy used books to help fund a great cause??? It was a win-win in my book and since I was currently in the area, I took advantage and ordered a bunch of great books last night, which got delivered to my parents doorstep the next day. Thanks so much Matthew! We are so excited to add these books to Jackson’s book collection.

Just to know such thoughtful little beings exist in our world, like Matthew, gives me such great hope for our future. Please visit this page for more info and see how you can help make a difference.