day 18 – #dailysoul


“mid-day hot yoga-much-needed-stress-reliever break w/my partner in crime

i told myself that no matter how busy work gets, i am going to stick to my weekly yoga schedule. no if, ands or buts.  so having my partner in crime by my side always makes it that much more easier getting to class and waaaaaay more fun!  plus, when you finally stick your tripod headstand for the first time with both legs up in the air (like i did today, yay!!!), it’s also nice to have a witness to share in the joy.

to learn more about the #dailysoul challenge, click here.

day 11 – #dailysoul


“slowly but surely… one day i will nail my crow pose! but today in class, this right here, made me super happy.”

a quote by Max Strom:

“Remember, it doesn’t matter how deep into a posture you go – what does matter is who you are when you get there.”

to learn more about the #dailysoul challenge, click here.

day 6 – #dailysoul


“attack of the giant clothespin! my friend always likes to leave me things to find around the house after she leaves that make me laugh hours after she’s gone.”


“today’s #dailysoul requires 2 pics. this is the same friend that leaves me those silly things around the house. see why i’m never short of laughter?”

i am forever grateful for the laughs and the girl behind them… april.  she somehow is able to just make everything more fun.  work, yoga, running errands, even a trip to cvs!

this morning after laughing our way through our yoga class, our instructor jokingly said that he’ll have to separate us in class from now on because we are having too much fun.  to that i say, maybe it’s not that we are having too much fun, but that everyone else is not having as much fun as we are!  🙂

to learn more about the #dailysoul challenge, click here.