simplewear’s #1 design with a twist

i always tell my customers that all available designs in my simplewear Etsy shop is fully customizable as each onesie is made to order.  so every once in a while i get requests to change colors or fonts depending on what the customer wants.  here’s a look at this years favorite design with a slight twist.  a grey & red color instead of the black & red combo with a script font for the “coming soon” type.  i actually really like the way this custom request turned out.  it makes the design much more whimsical.


as these special announcement onesies have been such a huge hit this year, up next on my never ending to do list is to come up with more designs to add onto this fun new section of my shop. in the meantime, if you want to customize a onesie for yourself or for a gift, just contact me and i would be more than happy to help you out with your request.

a little holiday shop reminder

after coming home from my trip, i was greeted with LOTS of Etsy orders from my simplewear shop, which has kept me super busy.  🙂

just a little reminder to those of you that want to gift a simplewear onesie or notecards for the holidays: make sure you get your order in by december 17th to ensure a timely delivery!

happy shopping!