here are a few pics from the 34.fourteen grand opening party i attended last friday…

3414 w. magnolia blvd.
burbank, ca 91505
store hours:
monday – saturday: 10:30 am – 7:00 pm
sunday: 12:00 pm – 5:00 pm

most adorable alice in wonderland themed store window display i’ve ever seen!

there’s a little something for everyone here.

dessert anyone? gourmet desserts and cakes provided by the kitchen window.

these gorgous gals are karen soto (right), the vision and owner of 34.fourteen and her oldest daughter, taylor (left).

and over in this corner we have… simplewear, making it’s first store debut! i love that my product is surrounded by the adorable stuffed animals of JanieXY. and of course, don’t forget the in a card note cards packaged and sitting pretty, peaking at the right corner. 🙂

here’s a pic of the hat i decorated and wore to the party. i think someone else needs to have an alice in wonderland themed hat party so i can wear this creation one more time.
a special thanks to those of you that came out to the grand opening and showed your love and support for in a card/simplewear!!!