one of my favorite yoga instructors from purple yoga, ace, is expecting his first child. i thought it would be fun to create a couple custom simplewear onesies for him and his wife to enjoy. here’s the final set that was given to them…

they are waiting until the baby is born to find out whether it’s a boy or girl, so it was important to keep this set gender neutral. i think either a baby boy or a baby girl will look extremely adorable in this little “ace” of spade onesie. i fell in love with this design so much that i’m currently working on a few new ideas for the Etsy shop.

i’ve also been playing with a yoga inspired onesie idea and this was a perfect opportunity to finish one of my ideas. both ace and his wife ruby are yoga instructors, so there’s no question that their baby will be a “yogi in training.” 🙂

if you’re interested in purchasing any of these designs, feel free to contact me or check in soon on my Etsy shop as these designs will be posted and available for purchase.