day 2 – #dailysoul


“peaceful drive on the freeway this early am.  we don’t get those very often in LA so i’ve learned to appreciate them greatly.”

there’s always something about waking up early in the morning and starting my day before the rest of the world joins in on the chaos.  i find peace in the sounds of birds chirping rather than the rush of cars passing by, the streets and freeways are still peaceful.  somehow, all this makes me move more at my own pace rather than trying to keep up or push through a crowd.  it reminds me of my yoga practice and how the instructor will remind everyone in class to just move at their own pace.  such great advice for when you are on AND off the mat.  wishing you all a happy & peaceful sunday!

to learn more about the #dailysoul challenge, click here.

day 1 – #dailysoul

my yoga instructor, mary beth larue, has combined forces with two of her inspiring friends, rachelle and caley, resulting in, handstands, hamsas and BLISS!   their intention is to inspire personal strength through practice, to emphasize the importance of finding bliss in all things, and to give us the tools to learn how to spread our message and the message of others who are making this world a healthier, brighter, more soulful place.  they will be doing this thru challenges, workshops, outreach, etc.

i thought it would be fun to join in on their very first challenge for the month of june, called #dailysoul.  the challenge is to take a picture via instagram everyday in the month of june of something that feeds our soul.  something that inspires us and lights us up from the inside out.  to read more about the challenge and to join in on the fun, click here.  if you join in on the fun, make sure to tag your image with the following: #dailysoul @caleyalyssa @melarue @the_neshama_project

here is my day 1 – #dailysoul picture…


“tasting & enjoying the sweeter parts of life!”

if you haven’t already, follow me on instagram, @inacard, to see more of my #dailysoul pics.

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