all american containers

i recently had the pleasure of working with All American Containers with their re-branding for an upcoming trade show.  here is a quick pic they sent me of the 10′ trade booth all set up at Supply Side West, currently going on in Las Vegas.  it’s always nice seeing everything you worked on put together and displayed so nicely.

*image courtesy of All American Containers

a special thanks to Solo Graphics for helping with production and printing of this project!

fall bangs

as we fall back and into a new season (or at least we’re trying to here in LA), my hairstyle needed a little change as well…

enter fall bangs.  🙂

i’m looking forward to the weather cooling down and staying put for a while so the sweaters and boots can come out to play.  what are some of your favorite fall trends?

happy election day!

a quote by Walter H. Judd:

“People often say that, in a democracy, decisions are made by a majority of the people. Of course, that is not true. Decisions are made by a majority of those who make themselves heard and who vote — a very different thing.”

10 inspirational design rules

jan filek created a series of 10 inspirational design posters with quotes from the inspiring minds of Harold Speed, David Lynch, Audie McCall, Picasso, Ken Rockwell, Peter Fischli, David Weiss and Erik Spiekermann.

i think they are great rules for designers to remember and a few rules that can be applied to everyday life as well.  🙂

1.  DO ONE THING AT A TIME – Don’t dissipate your powers; strive to concentrate them.

2.  KNOW THE PROBLEM – Always have a clear idea of what it is you want to do.

3.  STAY TRUE TO THE ORIGINAL IDEA – Then you have at least a chance of being able to live with yourself.

4.  LEARN TO LISTEN – The opposite of talking is not waiting to talk. Pay attention and you won’t miss important input.

5.  ACCEPT CHANGE AS INEVITABLE – You’ve got to accept change as inevitable and trust the process. Be willing to let go and think new thoughts.

6.  BE HONEST AND LIE – Only by bending reality as we perceive it, we can hope to move another person see something in a truly new way.

7.  BREAK RULES – But only if it looks better.  However, one must know the rules in order to break them.

8.  FORM BEATS COLOUR – Art owes more to form (for it’s range of expression) than to colour.

9.  DISTINGUISH SENSE FROM NONSENSE – Anything that isn’t directly helping the composition takes away from it.

10.  COLLABORATE AND TAKE PART IN DISCOURSE – Learn to think differently by working with others, share experiences and reflect together about your work.

*all images courtesy of jan filek

make sure to visit jan’s website to see all 10 poster designs.

daddy’s little girl

i was helping my niece with her homework last night and it reminded me of when my dad use to help me with mine when i was growing up.  and that got me reminiscing…

funny how i talk about paying attention to details so much on my blog.  and i realize, that is definitely one of the MANY things i learned from my dad, which has helped me a great deal with my business.  along with being neat and well organized, teaching me the importance of getting things done IMMEDIATELY rather than procrastinating, showing me how to use a ruler and an exacto knife before i knew that those two tools would be a staple in my future career.

thanks dad, for always being right there when i need you and giving me the right tools to soar!

this is another funny photobooth shot that my dad got in on with my sister, my mom and i. well at first he had no idea it was going to take a series of 4 shots so that’s why he’s just standing in the background on the middle two. ha!

it’s my dad’s birthday month, so i thought i’d start celebrating him early with this blog post.  🙂

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