i heart onesies

i recently created a custom onesie design for my yoga instructor mary beth, aka MB.  (make sure to check out mb’s website and blog.  she’s just an all around awesome person and every week i look forward to her yoga class at the studio surya yoga.)

this design is an ode to the i heart ny tees that are so well known.

this design inspired me to create 2 new designs for my simplewear Etsy shop

“i heart mom” by simplewear on Etsy

“i heart dad” by simplewear on Etsy

baby school pride

it’s always fun creating custom onesies for my Etsy customers.  recently i had a custom request for twin onesies that i thought was such a clever and cute idea, i had to share.

mommy to be is a Oklahoma State grad…

and daddy to be is a Auburn Univeristy grad…

i wonder which school these twins will be going to when they get older???

new simplewear gift box

don’t you just hate when they discontinue your favorite nail polish or lipstick color???

well that is how i felt when my vendor was completely sold out of the boxes i use for my simplewear gift wrap. unfortunately, i haven’t been able to find those boxes anywhere! in stores or online! so what happens now? well you roll with the punches and find a new box.

meet the new simplewear gift box…

same cute packaging, a darker more “krafty” color but still holds those adorable simplewear onesies and tees! once again, available for purchase at my etsy shop.

custom made to order

happy first day of september…

the days seem to go by faster and the months are starting to just roll into one another. this past month, my weekends were filled with a little R&R and filling etsy orders during the week. i had a few more custom made simplewear orders than the average, so i thought i’d share a few of the fun designs.

this “little bizzzy bee” design was inspired by a bee themed baby shower for the mother-to-be. now everyone can know who this little bizzzy bee belongs to.

it seems exciting enough when you are able to share a pregnancy with your best friend. imagine how much more exciting it is when you’re both having little girls? it’s a given that the 2 little girls will be BFF’s as well. so this would make them BFF to the second degree!

my little cousin recently had a superhero themed party for his 5th birthday and i thought this shirt would be an absolutely perfect gift and an awesome shirt for his first day of kindergarten.

when you’ve got a beautiful strong name like, zachary bruce morse, you almost have to let the whole world know and since little baby zach is too little to tell everyone himself, this little onesie will do the job for him.

if you like any of these designs, would like to purchase or have an idea you’d like applied to a onesie or t-shirt, feel free to email me for more details or visit my etsy shop for other design options.

simplewear giveaway

SAVE THE DATE: september 15th & 16th
to enter for a chance to win a simplewear onesie!

simplewear is taking part of this year’s BLOGMANIA by donating a “made with love by” or “welcomed with love by” onesie to Nomie.Eco.Ware, as part of the Handmade with Love Giveaway.

make sure to read the full write up by Nomie here: http://nomieecoware.blogspot.com/2010/08/blogmania-sponsor-simplewear.html

bookmark http://nomieecoware.blogspot.com/ and come back september 15th & 16th to enter for a chance to win!!!

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