dots around the world

over the weekend i helped mind’s eye design studio install a rather large (approx. 9′ tall x 33′ wide) vinyl wall decal project in a new office space for The A21 Campaign.

here are some pics we managed to take of our day in progress…


tee starting us off by making sure everything is where it needs to be.



me & april making sure everything is lining up properly.


almost there…


ta-dah… the completed piece!


the red dots mark current office locations.  as more offices are opened, more red dots will be replacing the white ones.  love this idea!




make sure to visit mind’s eye design studio’s etsy shop, Put’em In The Wall, for more vinyl wall decor designs.  for custom orders, feel free to contact mind’s eye design studio directly.

you can read more about this project and view additional pics, here.

day 11 – #dailysoul


“slowly but surely… one day i will nail my crow pose! but today in class, this right here, made me super happy.”

a quote by Max Strom:

“Remember, it doesn’t matter how deep into a posture you go – what does matter is who you are when you get there.”

to learn more about the #dailysoul challenge, click here.

day 8 – #dailysoul


“lazy saturday mornings make me happy”

waking up without the alarm, rolling over knowing that nothing is scheduled on the calendar today, and getting in some extra cuddle time is a perfect lazy saturday morning for me.

to learn more about the #dailysoul challenge, click here.

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