geometry and friends

last weekend, i went to the art opening for geometry and friends, which is the current exhibition at the huntington beach art center foundation.


Geometry is found within nature,the sciences, and in our daily lives. Natural forms such as the spiral in the nautilus shell and galaxies are linked to the golden mean and Fibonacci numbers growing exponentially. And while interpreted models of the universe from ancient times to present, and its representation of space conjures up the innovations of geometric imaginations to define the cosmos, “Geometry and Friends” explores the geometric variations in practicing artists. Eclectic ideas of time, space, man vs. nature, and mysticism mingles with fact and fictions of different realities.

geometry and friends, is a beautiful collection of artwork from 9 different artists.  so proud that my friend, april kawaoka, is one of the artists in this group exhibition.  here are a few snapshots i took with my iphone.


love the colors in this piece by christine nguyen


obsessed with these huge origami like wall sculptures by james melinat



me & april standing by one of my favorite pieces of hers.

these photos don’t do the actual pieces justice so take my word and head on over to this exhibit before it ends, april 6, 2013, and see for yourself.

iphones, butterflies & decals

my cousin, stacy, came over yesterday and was showing me her new iPhone 5.  she had a simple black cover on it and was telling me how she wished it wasn’t so plain as it will easily get lost in “the black hole.”  aka: her purse.  of course, immediately, i said in my overly excited voice, “let’s decorate it with some decals!”

stacy decided on a butterfly design in, her favorite color, purple.  so here is the simple design i came up with and with mind’s eye design studio‘s help with the vinyl decal part… voila!  a newly decorated iPhone!


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