i’m so delighted that you’ve come to visit me at my blog’s new home. it’s been a month long process, but i’ve finally settled into the new layout and am ready to be back online and blogging again.

if you haven’t already, feel free to kick off your shoes, get comfy and browse through the new website. as you can see, i’ve updated the look of the entire site, added galleries with much larger images, a testimonials section and what i hope is a more user friendly navigation site. as always, i’d love to hear any comments and/or suggestions you may have.
a special thanks to the boyfriend and web guru himself, tee of mind’s eye design studio, for helping me build this new fabulous and super cute site, for being patient as i threw out more demands than hours in a day, and for being understanding of my “control issues.” 🙂 you’re the best and i’m grateful for you! ♥